5 Things to Think of When Planning Your Hiking Adventures

Going hiking is a great way to not only stay fit, but also have a lot of fun. Whether you are in the mountains, in the forest, or just near some smaller hills, hiking is a great time. In the USA alone, tens of millions of people go hiking every year. However, if you try to go for a decently long hike on a whim, you could run into some issues.


While the hike itself can be great, there should be some planning that goes into these hikes. Without a plan, the hike might not go as you expected and could actually be dangerous on some occasions. With that in mind, this article is going to go over 5 things to think of when planning your hiking adventures.

Don’t Forget About Footwear


Wearing the right clothing is very important when hiking. Sure, you need to be concerned about all of the clothing being worn, but this is especially true for footwear. Hikes can be hard work for your feet, so you need adequate footwear. This should be a pair of shoes with a good amount of grip and tread, that is comfortable and snug, without being too tight.


In addition to the hiking shoes or boots themselves, don’t forget about the socks. The socks should be comfortable, fit you well, and prevent your boots from rubbing up on and hurting your ankles. Be sure to visit Elite Sport Socks or another trusted retailer to ensure your socks are ready for your adventures.

Make a List

When planning your hiking trip, it is a good idea to make a list. This list should cover everything you need to do ahead of your trip, as well as what to bring. Some of the most important things to include on your list are bug spray, toiletries, a backpack, rain protection, safety items, sunblock and even a multi-tool.


Without a list, there is a good chance that you could forget to bring something that could end up ruining your trip. Be sure to make the list well in advance, so you can add to it if need be. If you are unsure of what all to add to your list, be sure to head online or consult with friends and family.

Pack Enough Water and Food


While there are many important things you may need on your hike, few are as important as food and water. These will keep your energy up, keep you happy and ensure you have a good time. You should be sipping water throughout the hike, especially if it is hot and you are sweating. When it comes to food, have items that can fill you up and provide you with the energy you need.


Even if you are only planning on being gone for a short while, it’s better to pack more food and water than you need, instead of not enough. Be sure to pack the food and water intelligently to ensure it can easily be carried and kept safe without breaking or leaking.

Bring a Map or GPS Device



A key part of a successful hike is knowing where to go. While you might know an area well, it’s a good idea to also bring a map and/or GPS device with you. These can help you easily and quickly find the right way to go and always know where you are.


It is easier than you might think to get lost in the forest or up in the mountains. Getting turned around is common, and can be disorienting. These devices and maps can ensure you are always on track. Even if you only have them for emergencies, that is better than not having them at all. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with what to do if you end up getting lost, just to be safe.

Ensure at Least One Person Knows Your Plans

While having a map or GPS device is great, they aren’t always perfect. They could get lost, become damaged or otherwise not be able to help you out. As a result, you shouldn’t solely rely on them for your safety. If you are going on a solo hike, or even with others, someone else needs to be aware of your plan. 


You need to make sure at least one person knows where you are going and how long you plan to be gone. If you get lost and no one knows where you are, it could be tough to eventually find your way to safety.


Hiking is an incredibly fun activity, but one that requires a bit of planning. Be sure to think about the 5 aforementioned things when planning your next hiking adventure to make sure it goes off without a hitch.

Caleb Cole

I grew up in Montana, spent my free time camping, hunting and fishing. I began writing as a side hobby while camping. Very happy to be working with the guys here at Outdoor Command and look forward to providing best in class outdoors content for you.

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