Outdoor adventures are fun. Researching outdoor gear is boring. Let Outdoor Command handle the boring part.
Are you looking to buy outdoor gear, but are stumped about which products are best?
Or, worse, have you bought gear, only to learn the hard way that it doesn’t fit your needs? We have, and that is why we started Outdoor Command.
After years of buying outdoor equipment, we know that getting the right gear can be an expensive endeavor if you don’t have the right knowledge. We’ve had low-quality products fail us in critical situations, and learned gear is best by buying and testing hundreds of different products over the past 10 years.
From climbing and fishing to backpacking and hiking, we’ve got you covered. We want to make your buying experience simple, fun, and easy — the way it should be.
Outdoor Command Team

Caleb Cole
I grew up in Montana, spent my free time camping, hunting and fishing. I began writing as a side hobby while camping. Very happy to be working with the guys here at Outdoor Command and look forward to providing best in class outdoors content for you.

Riley Draper
Riley Draper is a writer and entrepreneur from Chattanooga, Tennessee. As a world traveler, he has been to more than fifty countries and hiked some of the most elusive trails in the world. He is the co-founder of WeCounsel Solutions and has published work in both national and global outlets, including the Times Free Press, Patch, and Healthcare Global. When he’s not writing, he’s probably on a hiking trip or climbing in the mountains.

Sam Brooks
Hi, my name is Sam Brooks and I’m a huge hiking, fishing and camping enthusiast. I bring my dog Max as often as I can because he also loves the great outdoors. Although I consider myself a private person, I really want to share my passion and knowledge with the readers here at outdoorcommand.com

Samantha Bos
Samantha is an avid outdoor enthusiast who loves exploring the great unknown. She’s traveled all across the globe to sample nature’s delights. And her travels have taken her to all corners of the world: from hiking the famous Inca Trail in Peru to ice-hiking on glaciers in Alaska.
Besides hiking, Samantha likes to challenge herself with all kinds of outdoor activities. She doesn’t shy away from testing her limits. For example, navigating Grade 5 rapids whilst whitewater rafting in New Zealand, and avoiding close-encounters with bird-eating spiders and poisonous plants in the Australian rainforest. Currently based in Manhattan, New York, she’s traded in the real jungle for an urban jungle. But she tries to get out and explore nature in the surrounding Hudson Valley, Catskills, and Harriman State Park areas as often as she can.
She shares her knowledge of hiking, backpacking, and outdoor activities in handy ‘Best of’ overviews. Bundling the best-value, top-rated products that will no doubt make every reader a ‘happy camper’.