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How To Waterproof a Tent



A camper relaxes in his tent

When camping, a last-minute change in the weather forecast can be cause for concern, especially if you’re not prepared. Suddenly, the elements have turned against you and now you have to worry amount damp shoes, soggy sleeping bags, and deflated spirits. 

Most of us have been there at some point, waking up one morning on our camping trips to find we’ve been sleeping in a puddle all along.

A brief overview of the basics

Having a waterproof tent is something that can be easily taken for granted and it’s essential not to forget how important proper equipment maintenance is. Leaks in tents, after all, can develop over time and surprise us at the worst possible moments, so it’s always better to be prepared and check your equipment before each use. Checking your tent, and in fact, all your equipment before a camping trip is an excellent habit to acquire. This precaution alone could save campers from any number of disastrous trips. 

If you’re backpacking, checking if your tent is adequately waterproofed is even more vital because once you’re on the road discovering a leak will be nothing but an endless headache. New tents should be waterproofed already but older ones might need to be checked and repaired and it’s always worth checking new tents anyway to see if they’re up to the job.

There are also some things you can keep in mind to help prevent leakages in the first place:


  • Avoiding sunlight is always beneficial to promote the longevity of your tent. UV rays can cause the fabric of the tent to decay, and this can cause leaks later on.
  • When storing your tent between trips, you should always keep it in a cool, dry place. It’s also recommended to pack your tent loosely in a larger breathable bag for longer-term storage, this way the fabric will last much longer.
  • Keeping your tent tightly rolled up for long periods of time can turn any dampness into mold.
  • You should never machine wash your tent either, as this can stretch and tear the material, as well as causing heat damage. If you need to wash your tent at any point, cold water, non-detergent soap, and a sponge will work just fine.


All in all, there are lots of other ways to make your camping equipment last longer and taking advantage of these tips will help you later down the trail when you need them the most. Possible tent leakage can occur throughout the seams, main body fabric, or rainfly of your tent. Checking on these things before you go on your camping trip can relieve pressure and give you peace of mind. The wear of your tent depends on how much it’s been used, and the amount of exposure to harsh conditions such as bad weather.  


A pair of camping backpacks in the rain.

A pair of camping backpacks in the rain.


Before starting your waterproofing mission, do some research into what fabrics your tent uses. Different waterproofing products are made for different materials, and tents made of natural fibers would need a different approach altogether. Please note that this article is based around tents made with synthetic materials, so if you have a canvas tent or any part is made with natural fibers, make sure to use the correct products for your gear. There’s a lot of discussion about the differences between tents made of synthetic and natural materials, so if you want to know more, it’s worth reading into it. Remember if you’re struggling to figure out the right thing to do for your tent, the label should have plenty of useful information and care instructions.

There are several different ways to waterproof a tent, using different chemicals and materials. For the seams, a sealant is applied along the length to keep the moisture from seeping through. Refreshing the urethane coating on the floor of the tent and the inside of the rainfly is the main barrier against water. Ideally, water should bead and roll off your rainfly straight away, and for this refreshing the DWR (Durable Water Repellent) coating will help your tent shed the water with ease.

Checking for leaks

The first step in waterproofing your tent is to check for leaks. Set up your tent in your backyard on a sunny day. Then, spray a mist of water over the whole of the structure with your garden hose, and check inside the tent for any water weeping through the walls or the seams. Watch out for condensation- this is moisture that collects on the inside of the tent produced by your breath or body heat. This is why it helps to check for leaks before going camping, so there’s not yet someone inside producing condensation. This can be incorrectly interpreted as leaking water, but all tents get condensation on the inside. On the outside, what you’re looking for is the water beading and running off the fabric. This means that your waterproofing is adequate and your tent is ready to go!

If you have a separate rainfly, then this can be checked as well. The rainfly is the floorless, waterproof outer layer of your tent. The inner part of your tent with the floor and the mesh to keep bugs out is known as the main body. If your tent is waterproof without the rainfly, you can check both elements for leaks separately, and then waterproof as needed. This way you’ll have double the protection against the weather. If the main body of the tent is only mesh, then you’ll need to test it with the rainfly on, how you would normally set it up.

Preparing to waterproof your tent

Now you’ve located the problem areas in your tent, the next step is to clean it. This is important as sealants or waterproofing agents are much more effective when applied to a clean surface. For this, you can usually just use clean water and a sponge. If you see flaking anywhere, this is a sign that the waterproofing agent already applied to your tent is deteriorating. We suggest using a little rubbing alcohol on these areas and gently rubbing off what’s loose. If in doubt, you can always check the tent label for care instructions.

If your tent is new, then it’s unlikely you need to clean it, so you can skip this step. However, you may still want to waterproof it. Some tents when bought new only come with waterproofing on the key areas like the floor or the rainfly, so you might still want to add a bit of extra protection.

Waterproofing your tent

Now you’ve done your research into the best products for your tent, found the leaks, and done all the preparation necessary, its time to start waterproofing your tent! Each different type of waterproofing requires a slightly different approach, so the instructions are broken down by area and type.

The seams

You can find seams all over your tent, covering the doors, corners, and where the walls meet the floor. Make sure to check the entire length of the seam for leaks, you don’t want to go through the whole process only to be on your trip and realize you missed a spot. It’s worth putting in the time to be meticulous. It’s also worth noting that if you spot one seam that needs waterproofing, it’s worth just resealing them all. For waterproofing seams, there’s also the option to use seam tape instead of a sealant, so if you think this might be a better option, have a look at the differences first.

Before you get started, there are a few things you need to be ready. Firstly you need a clean and dry workspace. Ideally, this would be somewhere with lots of room to spread out the tent fully, and then leave it to dry undisturbed afterward. If you have the space to work inside then it’s much better to do it there, just lay down a tarp to protect your floor. It’s a good idea to set up somewhere with good light, so you can examine the seams easily. 

You’ll need a small or medium-sized paintbrush to apply the product unless it comes with its own application tool, and of course, you’ll need your seam sealant of choice. You may also want to use gloves for safety purposes, check the recommendations on your sealant if you’re unsure.


How to waterproof your tent seams:


  • After you’ve checked for leaks, spread out your tent in your workspace
  • If the seams look dirty at all, gently clean them with a damp cloth or rubbing alcohol if necessary. You should let the seams fully dry before continuing to the next step. If you notice a lot of seam tape peeling off, remove it, but leave the parts that are still intact
  • Apply the seam sealer, according to the package instructions
  • Then let it dry for 8-12 hours


The floor

The floor of a tent, resembling a tarp, is often referred to as the bathtub or the tub floor, as it runs up the walls a few inches off the ground. This keeps the seams away from the surface of your campsite and adds protection against water on the ground outside. This is important as it protects all your belongings from getting wet!

In the factory where your tent was made, the floor will have had a waterproof coating applied already, but this is not necessarily the optimal waterproofing agent. It may work well in the beginning, but soon enough, the coating will wear and you may start to get leakage through the floor. This means it’s time to reapply the waterproofing agent yourself. If you’ve seen flaking on the floor of your tent, this probably means you need a new urethane coating. Using an abrasive sponge to carefully clean off the old product is recommended, and make sure to let your new protective layer dry for a full 24 hours after application before packing away.

For this part of the task, you will need a clean and dry workplace as described before. You might also need gloves and a mask to protect you from any harmful chemicals. If necessary have a sponge and water for any cleaning, and of course, you will need some waterproof spray or sealant. If any part of the floor is sticky or peeling, this is a sign that the old waterproofing is decaying. You can use rubbing alcohol to gently clean off the existing product before you get started.


How to waterproof your tent floor:

  • Set up the tent in your work area
  • Clean the floor of any dirt or debris, and wipe away the old waterproofing product as described
  • Seal the seams connecting the main body to the floor before doing the actual floor
  • Then seal the remaining tent floor according to the product instructions
  • Let your tent dry completely before packing away or moving on to your next step

Protect the Fabric of the Tent at All Costs


Waterproofing a tent


The “fabric” refers to the main part of your tent, the bit you sleep inside. There can be a number of different materials making up this part of the tent, and they each may require different attention.

When waterproofing before a trip, you might think its okay to just do the rainfly. Because of the wind, and how the water drips off the rainfly, water can still hit the tent and leak through. It’s best to waterproof the tent fabric as well as the fly, for improved protection. 

To waterproof the main body of a tent, you will need an adequate working space, the guidelines for waterproofing other parts of the tent also apply here. You will also still need cleaning materials, safety gear such as gloves and a mask, and of course your sealant or waterproofing spray. Make sure you’ve checked the best type of sealant for the materials your tent is made out of, as different chemicals work best for different fabrics. Doing this job is easy enough, and doesn’t take that long. We promise it will be well worth your time, and you’ll be thankful next time you get caught in a rainstorm.

How to waterproof the main body of your tent:

  • These instructions vary for different products, so always check the packaging, but the general steps are as follows;
  • Set up the tent in your garden, on a sunny day
  • Use a hosepipe to spray the outside of the tent and make it wet
  • Apply the sealant in a thin layer, avoiding the mesh, and paying extra attention to the seams
After waiting a few minutes, remove the excess product with a sponge
  • Let everything dry completely before packing away

The Rainfly

The rainfly stretches over the top of the body of the tent. It takes the largest amount of pressure from outside elements, so this means it needs the most attention. The rainfly should be recoated in waterproofing agents most regularly, to make sure you’re always prepared for the weather.

A rainfly has seams just like the rest of the tent, so you should seam seal it first before moving on to the fabric. One tip here is to put the rainfly on the tent inside out, so the seams are exposed and easily accessible. For this stage of the process, you’ll need the same preparation; a suitable workspace, safety equipment, and your chosen waterproofing product. You should check how the waterproofing is already before starting, just set up and spray with your garden hose. It will be easy to see if the water saturates the fabric or beads and runs off.

How to waterproof the rainfly of your tent:

  • The process here is similar to waterproofing the main body of your tent:
  • Set up the rainfly over the tent (at this point the main body of your tent should be waterproofed and completely dry itself)
  • If necessary, clean it with a sponge and water
  • Spray the rainfly with the hose to make it wet
  • Spray the entire area evenly with sealant or waterproofing spray (DWR), then take a sponge and wipe away the excess so the product can dry in an even layer (check closely the product instructions here as it may vary)
  • Leave your tent to dry for a few hours in the sun, and never pack away until it’s completely set

Final Verdict:

So now you’ve learned how to waterproof a tent, you’re ready for the next step in planning your camping trip. With seams sealed and eyes wide, you can venture into the great unknown with a spring in your step. Now there’s no need to worry about puddles or thunderstorms, so well prepared campers can embrace a new challenge. Although daunting, many outdoor enthusiasts are now trying camping alone, and a great first step is having an adequately waterproofed tent. Have a read about camping alone and see if its right for you. There’s nothing stopping you now, so seize the opportunity and go make some memories. 



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Are You Ready for Autumn Adventures? How to Prep for an Unforgettable Outdoor Fall Guys Trip



As autumn rolls in, the great outdoors beckons with its crisp air and colorful foliage. For those gearing up for an adventurous Fall Guys trip—think hiking, camping, and maybe some deer hunting—the preparation is half the fun and all the necessity. With a myriad of activities to choose from, how do you ensure your fall excursion is not only exhilarating but also safe and comfortable? Here’s a step-by-step guide to making the most of your outdoor escapades this fall.


Choosing Your Adventure


First things first: deciding what type of fall outdoor activity tickles your fancy. Are you looking to conquer trails with breathtaking autumn views, or are you gearing up for a weekend of tranquil camping beside a glistening lake? Perhaps, the thrill of tracking and observing wildlife is what you’re after.


Each activity demands a different approach and preparation method. Start by defining what your fall guys trip looks like. Is it a quiet escape into the wilderness, a challenging hike, or a dedicated hunting expedition? Once you’ve nailed down the type of trip, you can start tailoring your prep list to match the demands of the activities you’ve chosen.


Plan a Camping Trip


If camping is on your agenda, meticulous planning is essential to enjoy both the spontaneity and serenity of nature without a hitch. When you plan a camping trip, think beyond just a tent and a sleeping bag. Consider the overall length of your trip, the climate of your chosen destination, and the size of your group. Are you venturing into bear country? If so, bear-proof containers for your food and trash are a must.


What’s the weather forecast? Ensure your gear is appropriate for colder nights and unpredictable weather patterns. A well-planned camping experience means securing the right campsite, bringing sufficient food and water supplies, and ensuring you have the necessary permits. Also, be aware of the leave-no-trace principles to keep your environmental impact to a minimum. Planning with precision ensures you’re free to relax and revel in the beauty of the season without unnecessary interruptions.

Gear Up for Deer Hunting


For many outdoor enthusiasts, fall is synonymous with deer hunting season. If this is the core of your guys trip, gearing up appropriately cannot be overstressed. Your deer hunting gear is your ticket to not only success but also safety. Start with the basics: a reliable hunting rifle or bow, suitable ammunition, and a quality scope or binoculars for spotting your target.


Clothing is next on the list; opt for layers that can easily adjust to changing temperatures and are also camouflaged to blend in with the fall environment. Don’t skimp on a good pair of boots—comfort, warmth, and durability are key when you’re on the move. Also, essential gear like a hunting license, deer tags, a first-aid kit, and even a GPS or compass should be non-negotiable items in your pack. Remember, the right gear not only enhances your chances of a fruitful hunt but ensures you can do so safely and responsibly within the ecological balance.


Map Your Route


Mapping your route is crucial whether you’re hiking, camping, or hunting. This involves more than just selecting a trail or a campsite; it means understanding the terrain, noting water sources, identifying potential shelter spots, and being aware of exit points in case of emergencies. Topographic maps, GPS devices, and even mobile apps can be incredibly useful tools for this.


Spend time familiarizing yourself with the area through these resources, and always carry a physical map and compass—you never know when technology might let you down. It’s also a good idea to inform someone about where you plan to go and expected return time is a safety must. Properly mapping your route not only helps in avoiding getting lost but also maximizes your interaction with nature, letting you find those hidden spots that make a trip memorable.

Prepare Physically and Mentally


The physical demands of outdoor activities, especially in the unpredictable weather of fall, should not be underestimated. Start conditioning your body weeks in advance, particularly if your trip involves strenuous activities like long hikes or hunting. Cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and hikes with a loaded backpack can prepare your body for the exertion to come.


Equally important is mental preparation. Familiarize yourself with survival skills, such as how to start a fire, basic first aid, and how to stay calm in unexpected situations. A physically and mentally prepared adventurer is more likely to enjoy the trip and handle potential challenges effectively.


Pack Smart


The final step in preparing for your outdoor trip this fall is packing. Since fall weather can be highly variable, layering is key. Include a moisture-wicking base layer, an insulating middle layer, and a waterproof outer layer. Besides clothing, pack essential gear tailored to your activities—this could include a sleeping bag rated for colder temperatures, waterproof bags to keep gear dry, cooking equipment, food supplies, and safety items like a whistle, flashlight, and multi-tool. Be mindful of the weight and volume of your pack; every item should justify its place in your backpack by being essential or serving multiple purposes.

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BougeRV Showcases Sustainable Innovations at Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2024



BougeRV is thrilled to participate in the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2024, scheduled from June 17-19 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. As North America’s premier outdoor industry trade show, the event is a convergence of top brands, retailers, and industry professionals showcasing the latest in outdoor gear and innovations. BougeRV’s participation is a perfect example of their commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly outdoor living solutions.

At the head of BougeRV’s exhibit is the Rocky Portable Fridge, a robust and versatile cooling solution designed to meet the demands of outdoor enthusiasts. This innovative fridge features dual-zone capability, allowing it to function simultaneously as a refrigerator and a freezer. Built with heavy-duty materials, the Rocky Portable Fridge is designed to withstand the rigors of outdoor use, including shockproof capabilities up to 40°. The fridge’s efficient energy consumption, coupled with a battery protection system, makes it perfect for off-grid adventures, aligning perfectly with the sustainable ethos of the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market.

The Rocky Portable Fridge also shows off an impressive temperature range from -4°F to 68°F, allowing for precise temperature control. Its smart storage solutions, including a removable divider and basket, ensure that items remain organized and easily accessible. The fridge can be powered by a 12V/24V DC car port, a 100-240V AC wall outlet, or an optional portable power station, providing unparalleled versatility. This adaptability is crucial for modern adventurers who require reliable and efficient cooling solutions on the go.

In addition to the Rocky Portable Fridge, BougeRV is showing several other cutting-edge products designed to enhance outdoor experiences. The CRPRO 30, a compact and high-performance fridge, is perfect for campers and RV enthusiasts. Its advanced cooling technology and robust build make it a reliable companion for any journey. Similarly, the 4000BTU Portable Air Conditioner is tailored for overlanding and camping, offering powerful cooling with user-friendly features such as dual adjustable air outlets and an IPX4 water-resistant design. These products are expected to attract overlanding enthusiasts eager to explore the latest innovations in outdoor living.

BougeRV’s participation in the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market is really and truly about connecting with other industry leaders, exploring emerging trends, and demonstrating their commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. By attending this prestigious and engaging event, BougeRV aims to highlight their dedication to providing high-quality products that cater to the needs of modern outdoor enthusiasts.

For more details about BougeRV and their innovative products, visit the BougeRV website. BougeRV’s involvement in the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2024 highlights their dedication to sustainability, innovation, and customer satisfaction, positioning them as a leading brand in the outdoor industry ready to make a significant impact at this breakout event.


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The Evolution of Outdoor Apparel: How Fashion Meets Functionality in the Wilderness



The wilderness beckons with the promise of adventure, but any seasoned hunter knows that what you wear can make or break your experience. Gone are the days when outdoor apparel was purely utilitarian. Today, fashion and functionality blend seamlessly to create gear that’s not only practical but also stylish. From the latest camouflage patterns to weather-resistant fabrics, let’s explore the evolution of outdoor apparel and how it’s revolutionizing the way we approach the great outdoors.

Camouflage: The Stylish Science of Stealth

Camouflage has come a long way from the simple green and brown patterns of yesteryear. Modern camouflage designs are now a blend of advanced science and cutting-edge style. These patterns aren’t just about blending into the background; they’re about creating an optical illusion that makes the wearer nearly invisible to wildlife. 

Contemporary camo gear incorporates a variety of colors and textures to match different environments, from dense forests to arid deserts. This evolution in design is as much about aesthetics as it is about effectiveness, allowing hunters to move through their chosen terrain with confidence and stealth.

The shift towards more sophisticated camouflage patterns also reflects a broader trend in outdoor apparel: the desire for gear that looks good and performs even better. Hunters today want apparel that makes a statement while still providing the ultimate in concealment. Whether it’s a jacket with a sleek, modern design or pants that offer the perfect balance of comfort and camouflage, today’s outdoor apparel combines fashion and function like never before.

Layering: The Key to Comfort and Style

Layering is a critical concept in outdoor apparel, offering both practical and aesthetic benefits. Modern layering systems are designed to regulate body temperature and provide protection from the elements. However, they also offer a chance to showcase personal style. Successful layering starts with choosing pieces that work well together both functionally and visually.

Base layers, for instance, have evolved from simple thermal wear to stylish garments that can be worn on their own or as part of a layered ensemble. These pieces are often made from advanced fabrics that provide warmth without bulk, ensuring that hunters can stay comfortable and mobile. Mid-layers add another dimension of style and functionality, offering insulation while allowing for breathability. Softshell jackets and vests come in many different colors and designs, making it easy to find pieces that suit individual tastes. 

Layering can also help you catch different kinds of animals. For instance, when you’re looking for turkey hunting tips, it’s important to look at the best kinds of layering to stay incognito and catch the best birds. Choosing the right layers can make a significant difference in staying comfortable and concealed during long hours in the field.

Footwear: From Trail to Trendsetter

Footwear is another area where outdoor apparel has seen significant evolution. In the past, hunting boots were purely functional, but, today, they still offer these essential qualities but have also become a fashion statement. Modern hunting boots come in a variety of styles, from traditional leather to contemporary synthetic materials, and are available in a range of colors and designs.

The advancements in footwear technology have been remarkable. Today’s hunting boots are designed to be lightweight yet durable, with features like waterproof membranes, breathable linings, and advanced traction systems. These innovations ensure that hunters can move comfortably and safely through any environment. But it’s not just about functionality; the aesthetic appeal of modern hunting boots is undeniable. Many boots are designed with sleek, stylish lines that make them suitable for wearing both in the field and in more casual settings.

High-Performance Gear: Pushing the Boundaries of Innovation

When it comes to hunting, high-performance gear is a game-changer. This is the section where outdoor apparel truly shines, combining cutting-edge technology with sleek design to create products that offer unmatched performance. Performance hunting gear includes everything from moisture-wicking base layers to high-tech outerwear designed to withstand the harshest conditions.

Today’s high-performance apparel utilizes advanced materials that are both lightweight and durable. Fabrics like Gore-Tex and other proprietary blends offer superior protection against wind and water while maintaining breathability. These materials help regulate body temperature, keeping hunters comfortable in a wide range of environments. In addition to these practical benefits, high-performance gear often features ergonomic designs that allow for a full range of motion, ensuring that hunters can move freely and easily.

Sustainable Fashion: Eco-Friendly Choices for the Modern Hunter

Sustainability has become an increasingly important consideration in the world of outdoor apparel. Hunters who are passionate about preserving the wilderness they love to explore are now seeking out eco-friendly clothing options that minimize environmental impact. Eco-friendly outdoor apparel is made from sustainable materials such as recycled polyester, organic cotton, and biodegradable fibers. These materials offer the same performance benefits as traditional fabrics but with a lower environmental footprint. 

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