Camping Gear Reviews & Guides
What is Cowboy Coffee?

Coffee has been a staple of the long haul since traders and Dutch investors brought the bean from the horn of Africa to Europe and, by extension, Europe. There’s no question that a morning cup of joe is delightful and warming in all seasons here in the modern world, and perhaps it’s doubly so out in the backcountry, where hikers, backpackers, and campers wake up to pristine sunrise vistas and rattle themselves awake with coffee’s characteristic caffeine.
Somewhere between those Dutch coffee traders and our present-day breath-busting orders of “double Ristretto venti half-soy nonfat decaf organic chocolate brownie iced vanilla double-shot gingerbread” frappuccinos, coffee reached what many still consider to be its zenith today: cowboy coffee.
Named for the herders and wranglers who break horses and herald livestock in the western United States, cowboy coffee is notoriously simple to make. All it requires is a coffee pot, coffee and water to put in it, and a heat source, which has traditionally been a campfire but could just as well be a camping stove.
Cowboy coffee is a great-tasting mood booster and one of the best stimulants for general communion and idle chit chat that is nonetheless enriching even when it’s banal. Some folks knock cowboy coffee because of its popular image as a gritty, sludgy cup of tar that would knock out just about everybody but the Marlboro Man. On the contrary, cowboy coffee is the backcountry equivalent of a Yorkshire tea or chai in New Delhi, and just as rich, smooth, and enjoyable.
At the chuckwagon, which is the name they gave the field kitchen of a wagon trail headed west, cowboy coffee is served without cream, milk, or sugar. Many avid coffee drinkers can’t fathom drinking a cup of joe with no additions, but when these types of bitterness-averse caffeine quoffers often proclaim that cowboy coffee is the only coffee they’ll drink black. Everything you need to make cowboy coffee is much more durable and less frustrating to use than a french press or even the instant coffee maker back at home.
There are a few brewing methods depending on who you ask, but the principle process is generally the same. A few alterations that are meant to reduce acidity or bitterness or work to keep coffee grounds at the bottom of the coffee pot and away from drinkers’ teeth are either decried or sworn by.
Read on to get a full rundown of cowboy coffee and all the particular tweaks people have been giving this warming beverage. You’ll be happy knowing how to make cowboy coffee on and off the hiking trail, at home or at a campsite. There are plenty of variations for you to try out once you understand the particulars and all the steps it takes to make cowboy coffee.
Types of coffee beans for cowboy coffee
As you’ll see in the cowboy coffee recipes further on in this guide, you can make cowboy coffee with any coffee bean that can be roasted and ground up. There are some coffee beans from places like Jamaica, Ethiopia, and Columbia that are widely held to be the best in the world. We’re going to mention those, but that doesn’t mean there’s any shame in packing along a tin of Folgers to make your cowboy coffee.
Pre-roasted and pre-ground coffee can be a huge time-saver when you’re at a campsite and already have tons to do to keep the place in order. No matter what kind of coffee beans you want to use to make cowboy coffee, it’s likely to be smarter to grind the beans at home so you can leave the grinder behind.
Amazon has a huge market for coffee beans both whole and pre-ground. Since cowboy coffee is meant to be strong enough to perk you up into striking out on the trail again, we recommend a single-origin coffee bean. The blended varieties often have some kind of complicated milk-based drink in mind, and for that purpose there are many well-suited options. But if you can afford it and you really want a strong black cup of joe when you wake in the morning at your campsite, then a single-origin coffee bean. So what are some of those single origins?
There are three main coffee-growing regions in the world. These regions cover huge swaths of land and many, many different countries that all have unique aspects to their coffee beans. There’s no way to say definitively which is the best because the choice between the varieties of taste and aroma available from these three coffee-growing regions depends completely upon personal taste. The three regions are India and Indonesia, Africa, and Central and South America.
Very generally speaking, Central and South American coffee are strong, direct, and a bit sweet like brown sugar. African coffee beans are mellow, fruity, and multifaceted. India and Indonesia produce coffee beans that are more earthy and pleasingly rich. Make sure to buy the right kind of coffee beans to use with a coffee pot and not espresso beans or anything fancy like that. Filter roast, single-origin coffee beans are perfect for cowboy coffee.

The flavor and acidity of your cowboy coffee depend on what kind of coffee beans you use.
Heat source for cowboy coffee
Camping stoves and alcohol stoves can boil water just as well as the classic method of heating the coffee pot over a campfire. We have lots of respect for the original way and for the majority of people there will be a campfire burning at the campsite already so it just makes sense to make your cowboy coffee on it.
But for campers who are going out with a large group and plan on making large batches, there’s no shame at all in using the more modern methods. Backcountry baristas in the chuckwagons of old would use wood stoves to heat coffee pots to satiate the caffeine requirements of a group that large.
The one consideration we would advise all cowboy coffee cookers to consider ahead of time with regards to their heat source is that there will come a point in the process where the coffee pot needs to be removed from heat. A robust full boil needs to be brought down to a roiling boil, which means you have to take the coffee pot from high heat to get the boiling water to remain comfortably in at a rolling boil temperature.
It’s not so hard to do on a campfire, as you can remove a coal or move the coffee pot further from the center of the fire. Don’t hesitate to try this method out at home before you try and brew fresh coffee at the campsite so you can make sure your chosen heat source, coffee pot, and coffee beans will produce the cowboy coffee you want.
How to brew cowboy coffee
If you want a rich, warming brew that will wake everyone up and get them chatting before the regularly scheduled backcountry activities begin, there is a time-tested procedure to make cowboy coffee that will produce a cup of joe that’s almost completely free of coffee grounds and has a sharp taste to match the great outdoors where you’ll be drinking it. The procedure is simple, but there are a couple of variations and additions that you can try if you want to personalize your own cowboy coffee recipe to suit your particular taste. The basic procedure to brew cowboy coffee goes like this:
1. Get your coffee pot. Make sure it’s durable enough to take the heat. Keep it out of the hottest part of the fire so you can still pick it up.
2. Fill the pot with water from a potable source. Even though you’re going to boil it, consider treating it with a water filter before you put it in the pot if the source seems less than clean.
3. Place the pot near enough the coals of your campfire to get it boiling. High heat is fine, but make sure you have fire-retardant gloves to protect yourself from accidental burns. The goal temperature here is going to be 200 degrees Fahrenheit but while it’s coming to its first boiling point you don’t have to worry about that too much.
4. Once the water is boiling, and we mean a really hearty boil, set it aside to cool a little. Now is when you want to get that water to 200 degrees. It shouldn’t take more than a minute to cool to that temperature, but if you’re in freezing cold conditions then consider halving that.
5. When the water is at 200 degrees more or less, spoon your coffee grounds into the water. The rule of thumb for coffee is two heaping spoonfuls for every cup of coffee you want to make. A cup of coffee is about 8 ml and a spoonful is a tablespoon, but given the rustic style of cowboy coffee, you should wean yourself off precise measurements and learn to know your cowboy coffee recipe just by looking at it.
6. Stir in the coffee ground and give the whole thing about 5 minutes of brewing time. Give the pot a gentle swirl after 5 minutes and then give it another minute or two of brewing time to let the coffee grounds settle inside.
7. Some people stop the process at this point and start doling out a cup of joe to all their compatriots. But one essential step to really get those coffee grounds to settle is to use cold water. Pour cold water into the coffee pot through the spout and around the edges of the top opening. Pouring cold water in through the spout of the coffee pot doubles as a protection against coffee grounds collecting there. Let the whole thing settle. The cold water won’t weaken or dilute the coffee. You don’t need to add much. The cold water will force the coffee grounds to settle. After it sits a minute or two you can pass the fresh coffee around.

Cowboy coffee drinkers who want to try it the traditional way should take it black, with no cream or sugar.
Variations and additions to cowboy coffee
Since cowboy coffee has a bad reputation as being gut-bustingly acidic, people have invented various ways to cut the acidity. One of the more memorable of these methods is to add eggshells to your cowboy coffee. That’s eggshells, not eggs themselves. It’s convenient since most people are making cowboy coffee at breakfast time with a hot plate of eggs anyway, but there is some dispute as to whether the eggshell method works at all.
Old-timers like cowboy Kent Rollins believe that the eggshell method is complete balderdash, but others swear it reduces the acidity. We’d recommend trying it with and without to see if you personally think it’s better with eggshells. When properly brewed, cowboy coffee is smooth and comforting, quite the opposite of acidic. If you find your brew too sour, consider switching coffee beans for the next time.
If you do want to try the eggshell method, just take two halves of an empty egg and drop them into the cowboy coffee during those five minutes of brewing time. They’re easy to fish out if you leave them in halves. If you break them up, you can look forward to a very annoying cup of joe and some probably perplexed looks from your fellow backcountry travelers when they take a sip of coffee and feel a sudden crunch. Eggshells are alkaline which helps them cut through coffee’s acidity allegedly. There is also a theory that they can help keep the coffee grounds in the bottom of the pot, but once again the jury is still out on that factoid.
Cowboy coffee with the sock method
If you’re really worried about getting coffee grounds in your cup of cowboy coffee, you can try the sock method. It’s exactly the same as the procedure we listed above, except the coffee grounds are put inside a sock. In our opinion, it’s not completely necessary, but it is the only way to make absolutely sure that the coffee grounds won’t be in your mug. We’ve found that pantyhose that are tied off at one end works extremely well. But whether you use a sock or pantyhose, go ahead and buy a dedicated pair just for cowboy coffee use. There’s no need to subject everyone to even the merest possibility that someone’s foot has basically been inside the coffee pot.
If you want to try some version of filtering with your cowboy coffee, try using a regular coffee filter and do a makeshift pour-over. This can be helpful if you finish the pot of cowboy coffee or want to save the remainder. When you reach the bottom of the coffee pot where the coffee grounds have settled, it can be quicker and more effective to pour everything through a filter. Keep in mind that if you’re keeping it at a cool enough temperature, cowboy coffee can be reheated and sipped on for about 4 days after you brew it.

Backpacking is more tranquil and relaxing if you can brew cowboy coffee.
Final Verdict:
Cowboy coffee is one of the ties we have to the drovers who used to traverse the west in much greater numbers than they do today. The spirit of a warm coffee first thing in the morning, following a meal, or during a break has permeated even the corporate culture that’s so increasingly pervasive today.
The feeling of enjoying the company of others is increasingly rare in the modern world, which is one of the reasons we head out into the backcountry anyway. Cowboy coffee definitely reinforces those good vibes. The rising sun, or perhaps even the setting sun, is much more striking and peaceful with a strong cup of joe in your hand. In cold temperatures, cowboy coffee can keep you warm all throughout the day.
The recipe is so simple that you could probably have guessed it before you finished this guide. There are a few tweaks to fix perceived corrections in the flavor and acidity of cowboy coffee, but overall the simple procedure hasn’t changed since the day of the chuckwagon. Like so many other things we encounter in the backcountry, cowboy coffee is just a slowed-down version of a pastime increasingly rushed onward by the demands of daily life.
At the campsite, everything has the chance to slow down. We never know what the day will bring, but if you enjoy a hot cup of cowboy coffee on your next backcountry adventure, you can make sure you and your fellows will be ready to greet the day with a warm and pleasant feeling in your belly.
Bonus tip: Curious about additional cowboy coffee recipes? Look at one camper’s method for brewing cowboy coffee with eggshells!
Camping Gear Reviews & Guides
Spring Camping Must Haves: BougeRV’s CR Pro 30 and Portable Fridge Innovation
As the seasons change from cold to the warmth of spring, the great outdoors beckon us to adventure once again. The BougeRV CR Pro 30 is here for those eager to embrace the beauty and serenity of nature through camping. This portable refrigerator, with its cutting-edge features, ensures that your camping experience is not only enjoyable but also convenient and efficient.
The CR Pro 30 brings a generous storage box designed to perfectly accommodate a portable power station and accessories, ensuring your gadgets stay charged and ready for use. This thoughtful design eliminates the worry of misplaced cords and extends the usage time of the refrigerator, making it an indispensable tool for your camping adventures.
With four safety tie-down points, the refrigerator can be securely fastened to your car, ensuring stability and safety even on the bumpiest roads–providing you and your family with peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the journey and the beauty around you.
Energy efficiency is at the heart of the CR Pro 30, featuring Max and Eco usage modes that adapt to your needs while conserving power. The upgraded compressor technology allows for significant energy savings, making it an eco-friendly choice for the environmentally conscious camper. An added interior LED light enhances convenience, allowing for easy access to your refreshments even in the dead of night.
One of the standout features of the CR Pro 30 is its low noise level while operating. Designed to ensure quiet sleep after a long day of driving or exploring, this refrigerator operates at a mere 45dB. Combined with its shock-proof design, the CR Pro 30 can handle the challenges of off-road adventures without compromising on performance or comfort. The majestic nights will stay that way–majestic and serene, just as nature intended.
BougeRV stands behind the quality and reliability of the CR Pro 30 with a robust 2-year warranty, offering hassle-free after-sales service. Their commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that any questions or concerns about the product are promptly addressed, providing a worry-free camping experience.
The package includes a removable partition (exclusive to the 30QT model), a DC power cord, a 50cm DC charging cord for the portable battery, an AC power cord, and a user manual. Everything you need to embark on your next outdoor adventure is thoughtfully provided, making the BougeRV CR Pro 30 a must-have for anyone looking to explore the wonders of camping with convenience, safety, and efficiency.
So, as you prepare for your spring camping trips, make the BougeRV CR Pro 30 your reliable partner on the adventure. And what’s best, it currently is available for only $319.99 now both on BougeRV’s website and Amazon.
Camping Gear Reviews & Guides
4 Different Types of Camping

There’s no better way to unwind and recharge than by spending some time in the great outdoors. From shimmering lakes and majestic mountains to energizing waterfalls and lush forests, nature is replete with spectacular scenery and a range of activities to suit every outdoor enthusiast.
Fall asleep under a blanket of stars, and gather around a glowing fireplace at night. Switch your alarm off and wake up with the sunrise and the melodious sound of birds chirping above you. Camping is one of the best ways to connect with nature and to also benefit your mental health and wellbeing. If you’re feeling the call of the wilderness, take inspiration from the four different types of camping listed below.
Tent Camping
A favorite for many families, this is the image that is typically associated with camping. Relatively simple to set up, all that’s needed is a sturdy tent, a snug sleeping bag, and somewhere to call home for the night. The options are limitless and include designated campsites, remote stretches of beach, or secluded spots in forests. Gather your firewood and cook your own meals and enjoy some of the bare necessities of life.
Car Camping
The perfect style of camping for newbies, car camping offers somewhere relatively warm and sheltered to spend the night and enjoy the wonders of Mother Nature from the comfort of your own car.
With the added mobility offered, this is the ideal way to camp when going on a long road trip, allowing you to pitch up at a national park or designated campsite while also taking advantage of the amenities offered, such as toilets and showers. Before setting off on your camping adventure, it’s important to check your car insurance coverage is up-to-date and provides adequate protection for your journey.
RV/Van Camping
The inspiration for van life, RV/Van camping is a great way to enjoy the wonders of the natural world while enjoying the freedom and flexibility of the open road. With modern conveniences ranging from basic kitchenettes and refrigerators at one end to standing showers and heated floors at the other, this style of camping can offer a more luxurious experience compared to simpler ways of being in nature.
With shelter from adverse weather conditions and enough space to stock up on some home comforts, RV/Van camping is the ideal way to sample the camping experience for the first time as well as enjoy an extended trip in the great outdoors.
Survival Camping
On the more extreme end of the spectrum, lies survival camping. Unlike RV/Van camping, this is a return to basics, without a creature comfort in sight. For those wanting to hone their survival skills, this style of camping will see you dropped off at some remote location, tasked with the job of finding your way to a designated spot, or simply surviving until you are picked up.
Armed with only your wits and a few essentials such as a flashlight and first aid kit, you will have to fish, forage and fend for yourself in the wilderness and rely on yourself to survive. While not for the faint-hearted, survival camping can certainly be a thrill for experienced campers and outdoor experts.
Use these ideas to choose a camping experience that’s right for you.
Best in Class Reviews
The Best 10-Person Tents

Love camping with a large group of friends or family members? Then you’re going to need a spacious shelter!
To help you navigate the market, we’ve created the following comprehensive Best 10-Person Tent overview. In this review, we’ve highlighted the best-value options currently available on the market.
Explore the top-rated 10-person tents below – discover the perfect fit for your upcoming camping trips!
In a hurry? Here’s the test winner after 10 hours of research:
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10 Best 10-Person Tents – Overview
Here’s an overview of the best 10-person tents (keep scrolling for detailed breakdowns with pros and cons for each of your options):
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1. Outdoor Products 10-Person Instant Cabin Tent
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This tent is equipped with handy storage pockets that allow you to keep your personal belongings neatly organized.
Extended Eave Technology
The 10-Person Instant Cabin Tent by Outdoor Products is well-ventilated thanks to dual ground vents and mesh windows that work together to create ample cross ventilation throughout the tent.
This tent comes with a water-resistant, particle-cover rainfly, plus a tub floor to keep moisture out. This large cabin tent also features ‘Extended Eave Technology’. This means the automatically extended eaves keep the tent fly away from the tent’s body. Not only does this boost breathability, but it also allows you to keep the windows open in light rain.
Other Reading: Best Gazebo for Camping
- Instant setup in just 2 minutes
- Removable room divider included
- Dual ground vents
- Mesh windows for proper airflow
- Water-resistant rainfly included
- Extended Eave Technology
- Carry bag included
- Great value-for-money
- Integrated storage pockets
- Can fit 2 queen-size air beds
- Heavy-weight
- Not the most portable
- Not the highest quality standard
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2. UNP 10-Person Camping Tent
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The UNP 10-person camping tent measures 18ft x 9ft x78in. In total, it provides a whopping 162 square feet of space and can fit up to 10 sleeping bags (or 3 queen air mattresses if comfort is your main priority). Furthermore, this is a four-season tent making it a suitable option for camping regardless of the conditions.
This extra-large tent is made from 100% polyester and weighs 23 pounds when fully packed into its carrying bag. It makes use of fiberglass poles and hooks for maximum sturdiness and only takes roughly five minutes to set up.
The spacious interior of this tent features a mesh mosquito repellent roof that allows for stargazing while keeping mosquitoes and other annoying insects out.
A spacious Gear Loft comes built-in that is suitable for storing and air-drying clothes. This tent also features mesh pockets that are great for keeping personal belongings and other necessities organized.
Including an electrical access port, this tent allows you to extend a cord from your devices to an outside power source. To ensure you stay in one place, this tent is secured via Patented Foot Sleeves that hold the included FRP poles securely in place even during the toughest weather conditions. Plus, these handy foot sleeves make setup a breeze.
The UNP 10-person camping tent combines comfort and privacy thanks to an easily accessible doorway complete with two-way zippers.
- Big enough for 3 Queen air mattresses
- Mesh storage pockets
- Patented Foot sleeves to keep poles from slipping
- Perfect for all four seasons
- Electrical access ports
- Can only be separated into 2 rooms
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3. CORE 10 Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent
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The CORE 10 Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent measures 14ft x 10ft, with a center height of 86″. It includes an expandable, zippered carry bag and packs down to 28.5″ x 10″ X 10″. Weighing in at 35.5 lbs, this tent is quite hefty compared to similar options on my list.
This quality camping tent can comfortably accommodate up to 10 adult-sized sleeping bags or 2 queen-sized air mattresses. Note: due to its straight wall design, this is one queen-sized airbed less than the previous Ozark Trail XL Family Tent.
This family tent features one large D-style door for easy access. Personally, I kind of wished each compartment had a separate entry-point for additional privacy.
Advanced Venting System
The CORE 10 Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent’s advanced ventilation system makes use of adjustable vents to draw in cool air from the ground. Simultaneously, warm air is recycled outward via its large mesh ceiling.
The CORE 10 Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent also includes a gear loft with a lantern hook, ample storage pockets, and an electrical cord access port.
As far as design is concerned, this tent is made from premium materials, including durable 68D polyester tent fabric, a tough PE floor, and fiberglass tent poles. This tent also makes use of a removable water-resistant rainfly to ensure you stay dry. Furthermore, the seams of this tent are thermally heat-sealed to keep water and condensation out.
- Vertical-walled silhouette
- Ample 86″ center height
- 14 x 10 feet – very spacious
- Advanced Venting System
- Room divider
- Two entry doors
- A lantern hook, gear loft, and storage pockets
- An electrical cord access point
- Thermally heat-sealed seams
- Setup can take a bit longer
- Only 2-room tent, not 3-room
- Quite heavy (35.5 lbs)
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4. Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Outdoor Tent
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This 3-season tent comes equipped with Coleman’s patented WeatherTec System which is a proprietary series of interworking features designed to keep bad weather where it belongs – outside.
If you’re looking for a spacious, budget-friendly family camping tent that’s able to easily withstand the elements, then the Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Outdoor Tent could be just what you’re looking for.
The Coleman WeatherMaster Outdoor Tent measures 17ft x 9ft with a center height of 76″. Although it’s less roomy, height-wise, compared to the CORE 10 Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent, it still offers ample headroom for most campers.
The Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Tent can comfortably accommodate up to 10 adult-sized sleeping bags or 3 queen size air beds. It features a hinged door at the front and a zippered door at the back for easy access.
When it’s time to head home, the Coleman WeatherMaster Outdoor Tent packs down into its included carry bag – listed as 30.3″ x 10.2″ x 10.2″. This tent weighs approximately 31 pounds when packed away.
Panoramic views
If you’re looking for a budget-friendly, family camping tent with plenty of weather-resistant features, then the Coleman WeatherMaster Outdoor Tent may be your best bet.
Setting up this tent is extremely simple thanks to a color-coded pole system and continuous pole sleeve design. Other perks include large, angled windows that allow for panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness, and multiple storage pockets to keep your belongings neatly organized.
Overall, the Coleman WeatherMaster Outdoor Tent offers plenty of value considering its affordable pricing. For this reason, it’s one of the best 10-person camping tents at the lower end of the price spectrum.
- Quick setup with color-coded pole construction
- Hinged door for easy access
- Can fit 3 queen air beds
- 2 entry points
- Room dividers for privacy
- WeatherTec system
- Waterproof floor and zipper cuffs
- Fully-taped seams on durable taffeta rainfly
- Large angled windows for panoramic views
- Less generous in headroom
- Setup can be a bit tricky
- WeatherTec system can still fail in heavy downpours
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5. HIKERGARDEN 10-person camping tent
The HIKERGARDEN tent is waterproof, wind-proof, and provides all of the ventilation needed to comfortably house 10 people. Requiring only 10 minutes to set up, this tent measures 168 x 132 x 74 inches when fully erect.
This tent can comfortably accommodate up to 10 sleeping bags. It’s very spacious and offers plenty of privacy thanks to a dividing curtain.
The tent also features electrical access ports so you can run a cord from the inside of the tent to an exterior power source. Furthermore, there are mesh gear pockets so you can keep your small trinkets organized.
When properly set up, the HIKERGARDEN tent is comfortable, safe, and provides privacy and protection, even when camping in large groups.
- Waterproof and wind-resistant
- Mesh door and windows
- Carrying bag for storage and transport
- Presence of electrical access ports and mesh pockets
- Might take a while to set up
- Can only be divided into two
- Rain fly only opens from outside
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6. Tahoe Gear Olympia 10-Person Family Camping Tent
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The Tahoe Gear Olympia 10-Person Family Camping Tent measures 18ft x 10.5ft in floor space (216″ x 126″) and has a center height of 84″ – this is ample headroom even for taller campers.
This large tent is surprisingly lightweight, especially compared to other 10-person camping tents. The total packing weight of the Tahoe Gear Olympia is approximately 23 lbs.
The roomy interior space of the Tahoe Gear Olympia can comfortably accommodate up to 10 adult sleeping bags or 2 queen air mattresses. A minor con is that this tent does not include a room divider, meaning privacy is a bit limited.
Great ventilation options
What the Tahoe Gear Olympia 10-Person Family Camping Tent lacks in privacy, it more than makes up for in quality and construction. This tent features a durable, waterproof polyester rainfly with taped seams and a polyethylene binding floor with water-resistant properties. In addition, the Tahoe Gear Olympia is also well-ventilated, thanks to a mesh roof and ground vents that ensure proper airflow.
This tall 10-person tent also includes an electrical cord access point, an awning over the front door, and a carry bag. It also comes with a 1-year product warranty, ensuring that if you encounter any manufacturing defects, you can get a refund or a replacement (subject to conditions).
Aside from the lack of a room divider, another minor con is that the Tahoe Gear Olympia 10-Person Family Camping Tent only has 1 door. This makes entering and exiting slightly less convenient, especially when nature calls in the middle of the night and you have to crawl over your camping buddies. That said, it’s not a major issue. Still, it’s something to keep in mind if you plan on packing the tent to full capacity with 10 campers…
- Pin-and-ring-system setup
- Mid-budget
- Large floor space
- Rainfly included
- Mesh ceiling and ground vents for proper ventilation
- Can fit 2 queen-sized air mattresses
- Electrical cord access port
- 84″ center height ideal for taller campers
- Lightweight
- Included carry bag
- Only 1 entry door
- No room dividers
- Fiberglass frame may damage in strong winds
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7. Ozark Trail 10-Person Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent
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Another best-selling tent by Ozark Trail is the 10-Person Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent. Not only does this tent feature a super easy setup that can be completed in minutes, but it also comes with ‘Dark Rest’ technology that allows you to easily customize the interior illumination. The result: a better night’s sleep, and a tent that stays cooler, longer.
The steel-framed Ozark Trail 10-Person Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent is very easy to pitch, with no assembly required. Its silhouette features poles that come pre-attached to the tent shell. According to the manufacturer, setup is possible in just 2 minutes, thanks to its instant, pre-assembled construction.
Dark Rest Technology
Though its roomy interior and easy assembly are great perks, the real attraction of this 10-person tent by Ozark Trail is its Dark Rest Technology. Dark Rest refers to this tent’s special technology that’s designed to block sunlight. The silhouette of the tent features multiple skylights with interior ceiling panels. These panels allow you to easily customize the amount of sunlight inside of the tent and allow you to block out the light completely when it’s time for bed. The ceiling panels on the skylights can also be fully rolled back, making this a great tent for stargazing. If you’re a sleeper that’s sensitive to light, or you simply want a tent that stays cooler, longer, this Dark Rest technology may be the answer to your prayers.
Other pros of the Ozark Trail 10-Person Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent include integrated storage pockets and a hanging gear organizer that enables you to keep your camping gear neatly organized and off the ground.
The Ozark Trail 10-Person Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent also comes with an electrical cord access port, tent stakes, and a carry bag. This tent is furthermore covered by a 6-month product warranty – always a plus.
Although the Ozark Trail Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent isn’t the cheapest 10-person tent on the market, considering its fantastic design quality and unique Dark Rest technology, it’s no doubt worth the investment for campers that want the best night’s sleep possible…
- Instant easy setup, no assembly required
- Excellent quality standard
- Steel frame more durable than fiberglass
- Tent stays cooler, longer
- Rainfly included
- Dark Rest technology
- Great for stargazing
- Multiple mesh windows for great ventilation
- Electrical cord access port
- Removable room divider
- Includes tent stakes
- Included carry bag
- Expensive
- Not lightweight
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8. Columbia Mammoth Creek 10-Person Tent
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If you’re looking for a 10-person tent that maximizes interior space, then the Mammoth Creek model by Columbia may be just what you’re after.
The Columbia Mammoth Creek 10 Person Tent measures 14ft x 10ft (168″ x 120″) and offers 78″ of center height. This spacious tent can fit up to 10 adult sleeping bags or 2 queen-size air mattresses.
This 10-person tent features large pull-out windows that can be kept fully open for maximum airflow on warm days. Further air circulation is encouraged via an adjustable ground vent and no-see-um mesh panels. During bad weather conditions, the waterproof polyester flooring and rainfly work together to keep you dry and sheltered.
Omni-Shield coated fabric
The Columbia Mammoth Creek 10 Person Tent comes with Omni-Shield coated fabric. This patented type of water-resistant fabric dries 3-5 times faster than regular, untreated polyester. Not only does it dry quicker, but it also gets less weighed down when wet – reducing the strain and pull on the tent’s frame in heavy rain.
Although the product description on Amazon lists the shipping weight at an ultralight 4 pounds, this is an error. According to Amazon reviews, the total packing weight of this backpacking tent is approximately 22 lbs; this is still relatively lightweight for a tent this size.
A minor con is that Columbia Mammoth Creek 10 Person Tent isn’t an instant setup tent, meaning you will have to spend more time on assembly than the other, easy setup models in this overview.
Furthermore, some reviewers mentioned a lack of clear setup instructions. That said, once you’ve figured out which part goes where, the setup will be quicker the second time around.
- Vertical wall silhouette
- Maximum interior space
- Omni-Shield waterproof fabric
- No-see-um mesh
- Room divider for privacy
- Large pull-out windows
- Adjustable ground vent for air circulation
- Can fit 2 queen-size air beds
- Not the quickest in setup
- Some reviewers mention a lack of clear set-up instructions
- A discrepancy in packing weight in the product listing
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9. NTK Arizona 10-person Camping Tent
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The NTK Arizona camping tent is made from heavy-duty polyester and is perfect for 3 seasons. This durable tent can comfortably house up to 10 sleeping bags (or 3 double air mattresses and one single). NTK once again provides a quality product designed to enhance any outdoor excursion.
One of the best family tents out there, This NTK tent also features an ultra-slim polyester micro-mesh material that acts as a means of protection from mosquitoes and other bugs while ensuring the tent stays thoroughly ventilated.
Featuring a Double layer 190T polyester laminated water column, heat-welded PU sealed seams, and UV protection, this tent provides you with ample protection against the elements and ensures you get the comfort that you deserve. Even its large D-style doors are covered with mosquito mesh so you get great views and ventilation, minus the insects.
- Comes with a stuff bag for easy storage and transport
- Offers protection against all elements
- Mosquito mesh
- High-quality floor
- The material of the tent floor is quite prone to wear and tear
- Not the most durable tent on the market
- Only partial-coverage rainfly
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10. Outbound Lightweight Pop up Family Camping Tent
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If your main priority is to find a 10-person tent that’s lightweight (12 lbs) and easy to carry, this model by Outbound is a fantastic match. Plus, not only is it lightweight, but it’s also super easy to set up – enabling you to pitch it within minutes. The trade-off is that the tent is not the most heavy-duty and durable, but for those that plan to carry their tent over longer distances, it’s worth the compromise.
The Outbound Lightweight Pop up Family Camping Tent measures 14ft x 10ft (168″ x 120″). This is enough room to accommodate 10 regular-sized adult sleeping bags or 2 queen-size air beds. This tent provides campers with 76 inches of standing center height. The family camping tent by Outbound comes with an ultralight fiberglass frame system, which is part of the reason it only weighs 12 lbs in total packing weight.
This roomy tent includes a partial-cover rain fly with a 600mm waterproof rating. Once again: this is not the most heavy-duty tent on the market, and a waterproof rating of 600mm won’t be enough to keep you fully dry in heavy rain. That being said, for fair weather conditions in the summertime, it should offer sufficient shelter to keep you comfy and secure. The rainfly includes leakproof seams, whilst the polyester tub floor offers adequate protection against wet undergrounds.
Includes all the essentials
It’s not the most durable tent on the market, nor is it equipped for extreme weather conditions; however, when it comes to portability and lightweight appeal, the Outbound Lightweight Pop up Tent is one of the best family tents you’ll find. Plus, the price tag is equally lightweight compared to other tents on this overview making it a budget-friendly backpacker’s favorite!
- Very lightweight (12 lbs)
- Affordable and great value-for-money
- Easy and quick setup
- Large D-shaped door with zippered windows
- Mesh ceiling panels for proper airflow
- Mesh storage pockets
- Very portable and suited for backpacking
- Includes tent stakes
- Includes guy lines
- Includes zippered carry bag
- Rainfly included
- Carry bag included
- Fiberglass frame may shatter in heavy winds
- Rainfly only has a 600mm waterproof rating
- Not recommended for bad weather conditions
- No room dividers
- Only one entry-point
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Every product in this Best 10-Person Tent Overview has its own unique appeal. Which tent ranks the best really depends on the type of camper you are. For example, family campers that aren’t concerned about privacy may be satisfied with a single-door design, such as the Wenzel Big Basin. However, campers who travel with friends and value privacy as a key priority may wish to have easy access to their compartment, without having to disturb others. In this case, the 10-Person Ozark Trail Family Cabin Tent, which features three separate entry points, could be a better match.
These 10-person camping tents also vary in shape and size. If you prefer maximum headroom and maneuverability throughout the entire tent, then straight-walled options such as the CORE Straight Wall Cabin Tent, the Columbia Mammoth Creek Camping Tent, or the Outdoor Products 10-Person Instant Cabin Tent could be a perfect fit. Then again, perhaps your key priority is protection against the elements. In this case, the Coleman WeatherMaster with its special WeatherTec system could be the tent for you. Furthermore, if you want a tent that stays cooler, longer – consider the Ozark Trail 10-Person Dark Rest Instant Cabin Tent, which blocks out sunlight to help you get a better night’s sleep…
There’s no need to stress – I can promise you one thing: every 10-person tent on this overview is a great choice; you honestly can’t go wrong with any of them. No matter which style you choose, you have my word, they’ll all keep you comfortable, sheltered, and cozy! All you need to do is determine which style matches your needs best – the tent will take care of the rest.
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Best 10-Person Tents – Buying Guide
When shopping for the Best 10-Person Tent for your camping needs, there are several buying factors to take into consideration. By determining which factors are most important to you, you can easily create a checklist to find your perfect fit. These are the most important buying factors to consider when shopping for large family tents:
Size, layout, and silhouette
10-Person tents come in all shapes and sizes. Though they can all accommodate 10 regular-sized adult sleeping bags, some are roomier than others. For example, a 10-person tent with a 14ft x 10ft footprint will fit 10 sleeping bags, but only 2 queen-size air beds. Whilst a 10-person tent with a 20ft x 10ft footprint can easily fit 3 queen-sized air beds. This may sound pretty logical, but it’s worth repeating that just because a tent is listed as ’10-person’, doesn’t mean it can comfortably accommodate 10 campers and their gear. That is why we recommend you to always double-check the floor space of a tent, ensuring it has enough room for your camping requirements.
Additionally, the tent’s center height and shape are also factors to consider. Some tents have a 74″ center height, whilst others reach up to 84″. Those extra 10 inches can make a big difference to your comfort, especially for taller campers. When it comes to the shape/silhouette, vertical-walled tents offer more interior space than a dome tent – maximizing on headroom to move around.
If you want the option to enjoy some privacy from your friends and/or kids, choose a tent that includes a room divider. You may assume that all large 10-person tents come with some type of room divider, but this is not the case. Some tents only have one big main cabin that cannot be separated in the different rooms. Whilst other tents come with multiple room dividers, allowing you to instantly turn them into 2-room or 3-room tents. Creating your makeshift room divider is quite the hassle, so save yourself the effort, and simply choose a tent that includes room dividers instead if privacy is a priority.
Doors and windows
Another thing to consider is whether you want a tent with multiple doors, or if a single-door tent will do. For smaller, 4-person or 6-person tents a single entry point may be adequate, but when camping with a big group in one tent, the more doors, the easier is it to exit and enter the tent. If you don’t want to crawl over your camping buddies in the middle of the night, when nature calls, consider a tent with a front and back-entry point: as this will make your camping experience a whole lot smoother.
Also, take into consideration what type of windows you prefer. Some tents come with larger, pull-out mesh windows, whilst others feature zippered windows integrated into the doors. If you often go camping in the summertime and warm conditions, consider a tent with multiple mesh windows on all sides to enable proper ventilation and airflow. If you often find yourself in wet and rainy surroundings, ensure the tent comes with zippered and waterproof windows to prevent the interior from getting soggy. The type of windows and number of windows may not be your biggest priority, but it’s something to take into account when browsing for family camping tents.
Weather Resistance
Not every 10-person tent is fully able to keep sheltered and dry, even on bad weather days. Though every tent on this list offers some degree of weather protection, some are more capable of dealing with heavy rains and bad weather conditions than others. If you’re looking for a 3-season tent that holds up well in all types of weather, make sure it has enough weather-resistant design elements to battle the elements. For example:
Staying waterproof
Always choose a tent that comes with a rainfly. Secondly, check if the included rainfly is made of quality materials and what its waterproof rating is. The waterproof rating (also known as the hydrostatic rating) refers to how much water the fabric can handle before moisture starts seeping through. For example, a rainfly fabric with a waterproof rating of 500mm is only moderately water-resistant, whilst a rainfly with a 1500mm rating is far more capable of handling heavy rain. As a general rule of thumb: the higher the waterproof rating, the better.
Sealed, welded, and taped seams
A 10-person tent’s weather-resistance also depends on the type of seams. Even if the rainfly is 100% waterproof, the seams of the tent can still let water in and cause leakage. That is why we’d recommend picking a tent that comes with factory-sealed, taped, or welded seams. You can also waterproof/seal the seams of the tent yourself, but this can be quite the hassle. If you want to save yourself the annoyance of having to waterproof a tent at home, choose a silhouette that comes with factory-sealed, welded, and/or taped seams instead.
Picking the right type of materials will ensure you get the most enjoyment out of a tent. Which material is ‘the best’ depends on where, and when, you plan to use the tent. For example, for backpacking trips or family hiking adventures, a tent frame made of lightweight materials is ‘best’. Lightweight material options include fiberglass, aluminum, and plastic. That said, these ultralight materials compromise on durability and stability. Fiberglass may shatter under pressure, whilst aluminum may bend. Alternatives are heavy-duty materials such as stainless steel. The advantage is that steel is more durable, heavy-duty, and wear-resistant than fiberglass and aluminum. However, it also is heavier – and often more expensive – which are also cons to take into consideration…
For the tent’s shell, the most commonly used materials are nylon and polyester. Nylon and polyester are quite similar in standard and performance. That said, there are gradations in quality – which is why we’d advise picking first-class nylon or polyester shell. There are two ways to check a fabric’s quality standard. First, if a fabric is listed as ‘ripstop’, it means its more tear-resistance and less prone to punctures. Second, check the product’s reviews, because other campers are a great way to check if the tent’s materials are capable of keeping you dry and comfy. If you don’t want to bother checking hundreds of Amazon reviews, use our Best 10-Person Tent Overview, as our experts have already researched for you!
Ease of setup
One of the leading buying factors for campers is often the ease of setup. Whilst some 10-person tents only take minutes to assemble, other styles can quickly set you back an hour (or more). How easy setup will be, depends on the type of frame and construction. For a lightning-fast setup, an instant tent is a way to go. An instant tent comes with part of the frame (or the entire frame) pre-assembled, allowing for nearly instant setup. Whilst standard camping tents come with separate tentpoles, instant tents often feature pre-attached poles. This helps you save time (and frustration) when pitching the tent. You simply need to unfold and/or extend an instant tent’s frame and let the parts slide/click into place.
Though instant tents are great, there’s nothing wrong with standard dome tent and/or cabin tents that do require some type of assembly. Especially not if you plan to camp at the same spot multiple nights in a row, as you’ll only need to set up once. That said, it is indeed something to consider, as we know a hassle-free and quick setup is something many campers look for when buying a new tent…
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Samantha Bos
Samantha is an avid outdoor enthusiast who loves exploring the great unknown. She’s traveled all across the globe to sample nature’s delights. And her travels have taken her to all corners of the world: from hiking the famous Inca Trail in Peru to ice-hiking on glaciers in Alaska.
Besides hiking, Samantha likes to challenge herself with all kinds of outdoor activities. She doesn’t shy away from testing her limits. For example, navigating Grade 5 rapids whilst whitewater rafting in New Zealand, and avoiding close-encounters with bird-eating spiders and poisonous plants in the Australian rainforest. Currently based in Manhattan, New York, she’s traded in the real jungle for an urban jungle. But she tries to get out and explore nature in the surrounding Hudson Valley, Catskills, and Harriman State Park areas as often as she can.
She shares her knowledge of hiking, backpacking, and outdoor activities in handy ‘Best of’ overviews. Bundling the best-value, top-rated products that will no doubt make every reader a ‘happy camper’.
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