Backpacking Gear Reviews & Guides
Best Backpacking Saw – Tested and Reviewed

When you’re backpacking the only things you can rely on are the tools on your back. That means if you’re clearing away wood for a big old-fashioned bonfire, then you’re going to need a saw.
You can’t get big dry pieces to burn with just a machete and a hatchet, sometimes you need to break out the big guns. A good backpacking saw opens up a world of options when you’re backpacking, your surroundings suddenly become much more welcoming, obstacles are easily cleared, when you’re cold and wet and begging for a warm place to bed down you’re much more able to get large, slowly burning hunks of woods to throw on your fires.
After 15 hours of testing and research, we can confidently say the Bahco 396-LAP Laplander Folding Saw is the best option.
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The best saw can mean many things to a lot of people, but it’s hard to argue against this bad boy from Bahco. It’s a compact folding saw that’s made from quality stainless steel, coated to protect it from the elements, and specially designed to give you the best cut with every push and pull. The stainless steel of this blade is exactly the kind of material you’d want with you in the middle of the woods when you’re trying to disassemble a tree for fuel.
It’s simple and sturdy. Stainless steel is easy to maintain, so no matter how dirty your saw gets out on the trail, you’re not going to have much of a problem keeping it in clean working order. Stainless steel is also perfect for creating a saw with hardened saw blade teeth. The teeth on this saw don’t lend themselves well to being sharpened. This is primarily because the necessity has been designed out.
This saw comes with XT hardpoint toothing. If you’re unfamiliar it means that the teeth on this saw have been specially treated to harden them against routine use. This is going to give you a saw that’s ready to take a beating for a long time. In fact, if you felt inclined to attempt sharpening the teeth on this saw despite not needing to, you’d be lowering the durability of the tool.
If you take a diamond file to these teeth, you’re going to strip away the reinforced surfaces and lay bare the softer steel. Sharpening hardpoint teeth is going to ironically make your saw less useful if you’re working with a hardpoint tooth saw. The solution to a dulling saw blade with this Bahco folding saw is replacement blades.
They’re easy to swap out when the time comes, and it’s a much safer and achievable solution than individually sharpening the teeth on your saw blade. This saw is perfect for backpacking. It folds into a compact shape that’s about 7-inches long. It fits well into pretty much any bag you’re going to bring along with yourself when you’re backpacking.
If you don’t want to slide it into your bag, there’s an easy attachment on the butt of the handle that will allow you to strap it to the side of your bag, freeing up space and making it available at the drop of a hat. Speaking of the handle. It’s very comfortable to wield without straying into the world of fancy materials that are bound to break down after a few months.
The handle is made from a simple type of plastic. It’s ergonomically designed to give you a firm comfortable grip while you’re sawing away on the trails. It’s subtly textured to keep the saw from leaping from your fingers while you’re working, which is a lifesaver. It holds up well even if you’ve recently had a run-in with some rain while hiking.
This saw has it all. It’s easy to deploy, a handful of smart features secure your blade in place once you’ve opened it up to get to work, and stowing it away again is simple, and it never takes up any more room than it has to. These blades are perfectly suited to biting through wood, both green and dry, plastic, and even bone if you’re the hunting type. The stainless steel protects your saw blade from the elements.
Water, heat, and the oils from your skin won’t be tarnishing or destroying the stainless steel body of this saw. The blade itself is coated for rust protection and imparting a low-friction nature to the saw. The coating makes cutting through wood a breeze. It’s a small touch, but it goes a really long way.
When you’re able to get a full pull and push through the wood without getting caught in the wood when you’re trying to make a pass. The blade has what we think is the perfect number of teeth per inch, sitting at a pretty 7 teeth per inch. On a saw, the number of teeth per inch is almost like the resolution of the blade.
More teeth per inch are going to get you a more fine-looking cut with a more smooth surface once you’re done, but it’s going to take you much longer to use a fine-tooth saw because of all the friction you’re overcoming along with the relatively minute amount of material you’re cutting per tooth on the saw.
Similarly, a saw with fewer teeth per inch is going to remove more material per tooth and give you a quicker cut while sacrificing a neat and tidy cut. This saw blade sits right in the middle, giving you an even cut without forcing you to spend all day drawing the blade across the material you’re cutting, which is perfect for backpacking because you’re just trying to grab some wood and get your fire started, you’re not building a desk out here.
These saws are always ready to go. You can think of it as more of a massive pocket knife than anything. The blade locks into place with a simple mechanism that’s easy to engage and disengage. This gives you a pretty sizable piece of equipment when it’s fully deployed, there isn’t much you can’t slice through with this saw.
You’re going to be able to get it into a working position quite easily, just open it up, make sure it’s locked into place, and you’re ready to go. The biggest difference between this and a pocket knife (besides the size, obviously) is that the blade locks into place while the saw is closed as well, so you can rest easy when the saw is in storage or while transporting it on your trek.
It’s hard to point to one single product and claim it’s going to fit everybody’s needs, but this saw here is pretty darn close. From the build quality of the handle to the replaceable hardpoint tooth saw blades, this saw has it all without bogging itself down in ridiculous features. It’s the kind of saw you’ll be able to rely on when the chips are down or when you’re just leisurely gathering wood to cap off a successful day of hiking.
It’s versatile without becoming cumbersome. It cuts through a number of materials just by being itself, which makes it the perfect saw for all sorts of wood or any kind of hunting you end up undertaking while you’re backpacking. It’s just a simple solid piece of equipment that ticks all of the boxes. If you’re looking for a saw, you need something that’s going to be reliable, affordable, and a whole host of other things.
If you’re not quite convinced that this is the saw for you, then maybe you’re just not sure what it means for a saw to be the perfect backpacking saw. A good saw is more than just a tool to hack away with. A good saw might be different for you, and if you need help picking out a good one, here are some good guidelines.
Note: We scoured online markets and tested 11 different backpacking saws, and the best is the Bahco 396-LAP Laplander Folding Saw.
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See a Good Saw?
A good saw isn’t hard to nail down once you know what you’re looking for. The trick is knowing what you’re looking for in the first place. No two saws are the same, and if you’re going to be looking for the perfect saw, then you need to start thinking about what it is you’re looking for and finding a saw that matches your needs.
Finding the perfect saw can be an extremely personal thing. The only person that can accurately shop for your own needs is yourself. When we say that this saw from Bahco is the best, we’re saying that it masterfully executes on the aspects below.
It’s a saw that’s not just durable and easy to use, it’s a piece of equipment that will stay by your side all the way through your backpacking journeys. It’s a saw that’s head and shoulders above the cheap options out there with blades that snap in half during regular use or handles that crack after applying a reasonable amount of force.
This is the most obvious thing you should be looking for when you’re seeking out a saw. If your saw is dull, you’re about to be in for the single most frustrating backpacking trip in your entire life. If you’re using a dull saw, you might as well just go at it your tree branches with a pocket knife or a spoon. Dull saws are worse than useless because you’re taking up space in your pack with a piece of equipment you can’t use.
They’re also wildly dangerous to use when they’re dull. A safe saw is a sharp saw. You might be having trouble working your way through the wood you’re cutting with a dull saw, but your human body is much easier to cut, even with a dull saw. Dull tools are more likely to jump out of place when you’re trying to apply force to them, and when they start slipping out of place they end up slipping into unwary arms and hands.
When you first buy your saw, you should immediately make sure it’s in working condition. If the seller promised you a sharp saw, you should be getting a sharp saw, if you’re getting a saw and it’s not quite sharp enough to get the job done, you should make sure you’re taking the time to sharpen it up before you take it out on the trail with you.
Cutting Efficiency
You can have a razor-sharp saw, but if it’s too short for your needs or you can’t generate the force you need to find purchase in the wood you’re trying to sunder then you’re going to be spending way more time than you need to just wiggling your tool around, praying it will eventually start working and allowing you to build your fire.
Efficient saws have teeth, lengths, and sharpnesses that are well-suited to biting through the kind of wood you’re likely to come across on your backpacking trips. Think about how much variety you’re likely to come across when you’re backpacking.
You might be around lots of old dry wood, ready to be cut down and used for a bonfire, and by the end of an extended hike, you’ll probably be surrounded by greed-wood. Both situations require a saw that’s quick and easy to deploy. You’re going to need a saw that’s willing to play nice and keep the games short.
Once you learn more about saws, you’ll learn that some only cut while you’re pulling towards yourself, others will cut while pushing or pulling. Some saws are made with blades that are designed to be deployed at different angles to increase efficiency and versatility without forcing you to invest in a shed full of slightly different saws.
There are saws for a surprising amount of situations, and they’re all slightly different in subtle ways. It’s important to consider how each saw is best deployed so you’re not whiling away your time with a saw unsuited to the task at hand.
Obviously, you’re going to be holding these saws for a long time while you’re using them. The handle of your saw is going to have to be comfortable enough to use for extended periods of time. The handle on a saw is just like the handle of a good knife. It’s just as key to using it effectively as having a sharpened blade. The handle is the most integral part of a good saw.
You want to make sure your saw is made from a comfortable and sturdy material. The last thing you want is a broken handle turning your saw into a useless piece of metal while you’re out on the trail trying to gather enough wood to get a respectable fire going. If you’re investing in a saw you’re absolutely going to have to carefully consider the make and material of your saw before you take it out onto the trail.
Blade Material
A saw can technically be made out of anything as long as it’s reasonably sturdy. The trick is to find something made from a material that’s going to hold up under the scrutiny of the real world. Good sturdy steel is going to keep you in the game for longer with less maintenance. When you’re looking for a good saw, you’re looking for materials that aren’t going to snap after one single mistake. You want something that will stay sharp after a few good uses.
Again, it’s useful to think of a good kitchen knife. If you’re using a cheap knife from the dollar store, it’s pretty much always going to be dull, the material is just too brittle to hold a good edge after a few uses. Good, strong steel or something similar is going to be much more sturdy and ready to keep a fine point on the teeth, keeping you safe, reducing your frustration, and lasting all the way through your trip.
Backpacking is, at its heart all about maximizing the versatility of your tools, every tool that’s versatile enough to do more than one job is going to save you precious space in your pack and give you a much easier time on the trails. Your backpacking saw isn’t going to deviate from this rule. A good saw is going to be just versatile enough to cover a few extra bases.
You don’t want to drift too far from the intended purpose, once you start ending up in multi-tool territory you’re more likely to run into less reliable saw blades. When you’re looking for tools that do more than one job is when your guard should be up the most. Find a backpacking saw that will fill your unique backpacking needs, but don’t go too crazy and try to replace your entire loadout with a single saw.
Note: We put in the research so you don’t have to. The best backpacking saw is the Bahco 396-LAP Laplander Folding Saw.
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Bonus tip: If you’re going to be branching out and selecting a saw that needs sharpening while you’re backpacking then you’re going to want to master sharpening the teeth on your own. The video below is an incredible tutorial that will get you ready to tackle sharpening on your own.
Backpacking Gear Reviews & Guides
How to have amazing experiences camping in Alaska?

Do you want to make the most of your camping experience in Alaska? Camping is the best way to cherish the mesmerizing Alaskan scenery and be in proximity to Mother Nature with your friends and loved ones.
Are you wondering where to camp, where to go, and what items to pack for an Alaskan camping trip? This article has all the answers regarding camping in Alaska! Moreover, this place comprises a few amazing bewilderments that make it different than other camping locations.
If you’re ready to explore Alaska and be immersed in its camping, here are the top 4 tips for a seamless camping experience in Alaska.
- Be ready for the varying types of weather
The temperature of Alaska is unpredictable. Hence, if you’re camping in summer in blisteringly hot weather, it would be great to carry something waterproof and warm clothes. In your Alaska travel and camping, it’s required to carry your bibbed waterproof rain pants, raincoats, and hip boots.
This is how you don’t worry about the sudden rain and catch fish all day. Moreover, camping without a bathing suit doesn’t seem right! Camping and cruising go hand in hand; hence, a trip to Alaska will help you get the most out of your Alaska trip.
- Pick a campground mindfully
Although you are not mandated to stay at a campground run by the federal government if you wish to go tent camping, it may be the best bet if this is your initial camping trip. Establishing your individual camping place in the bush might feel more adventurous. Still, when camping with small children, you should remain closer to society in case a bear visits your campsite.
When you opt to lease a camping site, you must make your booking ahead because the more renowned campsites might fill up rapidly. Look on the internet for campgrounds near the events and routes you want to visit.
- You will have the option to relax or unwind
Although some corporate Alaska campers provide cable TV and Wi-Fi facilities, none of the federal campsites do. Whether you come here expecting to remain up to date on all the accouterments of technologies (or your beloved TV show), you may feel frustrated. But what if you treat your camping vacation as a time to relax and enjoy the unique stunning scenery surrounding you? It feels exciting.
- Keep the bears at bay
Bears are amazing animals, which doesn’t imply you should invite them with welcoming hands inside your camp. You must be capable of keeping bears away from your campground if you wish to enjoy the woods with them without causing mishaps. Below are a few suggestions:
- You can bypass bear highways by not camping along riverbanks or pathways.
- Do not even camp alone: for your safety, striving to remain close to others would be better.
These are the top 4 tips to enjoy camping in Alaska. What are you thinking of? Dive into the best experiences of camping, and cherish the moments forever. Happy camping!
Backpacking Gear Reviews & Guides
Why Duck Boots are Good for Hiking

The quest to find the perfect hiking shoes is never-ending, so the next option we’re going to explore is Duck Boots. Duck Boots have been around for more than 100 years and they’re used for all sorts of outdoor activities, so we can’t discount them as a hiking boot. Let’s dive in a little deeper into what duck boots are, and whether they’re an ideal choice for your next hike.

The legendary Maine-made L.L.Bean Boot was designed by “L.L.” himself in 1912 and has been keeping feet dry and comfortable ever since.
What are Duck Boots?
Duck Boots, also known as Bean Boots, were created by Leon Leonwood Bean, who founded the company L.L. Bean. Bean, who got sick of wet feet during hunting trips, wanted to create a boot that would keep his feet dry while still being ideal for the outdoors. He theorized mixing together two types of boot, combining the rubber sole of a work boot with the leather upper of a casual or hunting boot.
The rubber sole would provide all the necessary protection from the elements, while the leather upper would retain the flexibility and comfort of a regular leather boot. Thus, the Duck Boot was born and became a huge success. Other brands now produce this style of boot, but you can never forget the original waterproof boots.
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When choosing which hiking boots you should buy, Duck Boots should be considered for their weatherproof design.
What makes a good hiking shoe?
If you’re considering Duck Boots for use as a hiking shoe, you should first know what you’re looking for. There are so many elements to consider when searching for the perfect boot, as there is no one size fits all. Different shoes are optimized for different conditions, different situations you might encounter on the trail, so finding the right shoe isn’t an easy task.
Various terrains put different pressures on your shoes during hikes. This is why hiking boots are usually split into three main categories, each optimized for a different sort of hike. Lightweight hiking shoes (trail shoes), which resemble trainers, are essentially reinforced running shoes. They provide some support, but their main purpose is to be light and breathable while still protecting your foot.
These shoes are designed for day hikes, but they’re actually a favorite among long-distance backpackers. A sturdier shoe would provide more support, but trail shoes are a popular choice long-distance as they aren’t as heavy or constricting as other boots, while still providing enough protection to keep your feet safe and happy during a hike. The only downside of trail running shoes is their lack of ankle support, which leaves you at risk of twisted ankles and other injuries.
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On the other end of the scale are mountaineering boots, designed for terrains which present more of a challenge to traverse. If you’re hiking through rocky territory or icy glaciers, this type of boot provides all the necessary extra protection. They’re much more heavy-duty than hiking shoes, often warmer, water-resistant, abrasion-resistant, and provide much more support to your foot.
Backpacking boots make a compromise between the two, as they aim to keep you prepared for any terrain. For multi-day treks, this type of boot is ideal as it’s durable and supportive enough to carry you through most challenges in the backcountry.
The materials used to construct a hiking boot define it, as the wrong fabric can cause so much suffering for your feet. Finding the right combination of waterproofing and breathability, while still being a comfortable shoe, can present a challenge. That’s why we’re going to break down the material considerations you’ll need to remember when deciding is a shoe is right for hiking.
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Full-grain leather is a very durable and versatile material, so many mountaineering boots are made using this fabric. For rigorous hikes which pass through rough terrains, full-grain leather is fully protective while remaining very comfortable. It has excellent waterproof properties, as well as being warm and highly durable. However, in return for this protection, you have to deal with the increased weight of these heavy-duty boots.
You may have heard the saying “one pound on your feet equals five on your back” and this applies to full-grain leather boots. They may not feel too heavy when you try them on, but five miles down the trail you might find yourself wishing for a lighter shoe. Of course, over rough terrain, the valuable protection full-grain leather provides is well worth the weight, but you don’t need such a heavy shoe for casual hikes.
Split grain leather offers reduced protection, but is more breathable than full-grain leather. It’s still a durable material, but it’s less heavy-duty and has reduced water-resistant properties. It’s often used in combination with synthetic materials, creating a compromise between protection and comfort, and this combination is the most common choice for casual hikers.
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Various synthetic materials are used in the construction of hiking shoes, such as nylon and polyester. One benefit of synthetic materials is that they are much easier to break in than leather. These shoes feel lighter and also dry faster, but lack the water-resistant properties of leather. Of course, you can improve the water-resistance, but this can affect the breathability. Check out how to waterproof hiking boots for more information.

Different hiking boots are better suited for different terrains and it’s best to find a pair of boots that fits your adventure.
Also, depending on the type of trekking you do, hiking boots are available in different cuts and heights. Lightweight trail running shoes are often low cut, meaning they end below the ankle. This allows for a wider range of motion but leaves your ankle vulnerable to injury.
Shoes like this are best worn on well-maintained trails, where there’s less risk of trail debris and uneven terrain. Mid-cut boots offer more ankle support and better balance and protection, but the most protective style of boot is high-cut. These boots reinforce your ankle fully and are necessary for off-trail adventures.
Many hiking boots are equipped with devices that provide extra internal support, the purpose of which is to protect both your feet and the soles of your shoes on uneven terrain. One option is shanks, which are 3-5mm thick inserts sandwiched between the midsole and outsole of your boot. These add load-bearing stiffness to hiking boots, which is important to ensure you stay stable and balanced.
Shanks vary in length, some running the whole way down the boot, others just half-way. This feature makes the sole of a hiking boot less flexible, keeping your feet in a mostly flat position.
This may seem counterintuitive balance-wise, but a flexible sole allows your foot to wrap around every root and rock you step on, which can be painful, and tires you out much faster. Having a reinforced sole is a big benefit, but it could make your boot heavier; it all depends on the material the shank is made from.
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Some hiking boots feature plates as a form of internal support, which are thin and semi-flexible. These can be used in conjunction with shanks, and they protect your feet from getting bruised by anything you step on.
All hiking boots have rubber outsoles, the part of your boot which spends the most time in contact with the ground. Some have additives such as carbon, which increases the hardness of the material. This is most commonly seen in mountaineering boots for extra durability, but the extra harness of the outsole can mean they feel slick if you go off-trail.
Traction is very important in a hiking boot for obvious reasons, so make sure you get a boot with enough traction to keep you comfortable. If you’re constantly trying not to slip, the increased pressure on your muscles can be painful and even damaging, whereas a boot with a good grip will make your hike so much easier.
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So, what makes a good hiking shoe? The ideal footwear for hiking finds the right balance between comfort and protection, and this depends on your own personal hiking preferences. In general, you need a degree of protection from the elements, water resistance, comfort, and breathability. A good hiking boot should protect your foot without hindering your process, and if you make the right choice then your hikes will be so much better for it.

Duck Boots are well-known for their water resistance and ability to be easily cleaned, but are they the best hiking boot option?
Are Duck Boots good for hiking?
Duck boots are constructed using a rubber sole and lower shoe, whilst incorporating a full-grain leather upper. This means Duck Boots have excellent water resistance. Full-grain leather is highly waterproof, as is rubber, so with these shoes, you’ll never have to worry about wet feet.
Of course, Bean Boots claim to be the “original antidote to wet feet”, so water resistance is one thing we know they’re good for. A good hiking boot should always be water-resistant, as there’s a high chance of encountering puddles, streams, and other wet terrains when you’re on the trail. There’s also always the possibility of rain, so even if you step around the puddles, your boots always need to have a good degree of water resistance. If there’s one thing Duck Boots are, it’s waterproof.
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L.L. Bean’s Duck Boots use a steel shank for additional support, and this is a great feature for a potential hiking boot. Reducing the flexibility of the sole means more protection for your feet, so this feature of Duck Boots is a big benefit. Remember, this only applies to L.L. Bean’s branded Duck Boots, as there are many other boots of the same style available which might lack this additional internal support.
Duck Boots are known for being very comfortable. Boots are the number one most important piece of equipment for a hiker, and comfort is paramount. If your hiking boots are uncomfortable, it can make you hate every minute you wear them. On the other hand, finding a pair of boots that are comfortable for you is a big first step towards having the right shoe, so regarding comfort, Bean Boots get a pass from us.
Another benefit of Duck Boots is that they’re easy to clean. This isn’t as important as other factors, but after a long hike through muddy and dirty conditions, these boots only need a quick spray from a hosepipe and they’re clean and ready to go.
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We’ve covered the benefits of wearing Bean Boots for hiking, and there are a number of reasons you might think they’re a good choice. Duck Boots are highly waterproof, very comfortable, and feature shanks which are a big help towards stability. However, there are some elements of these shoes which might mean they aren’t the best choice for hiking.

While Duck Boots offer great water resistance, their ankle support is not the best which may deter some people from using them for longer hikes.
Why Duck Boots might not be the best choice
Ankle support is a big deal when it comes to hiking boots; as we explained before it can be the difference between a successful hike and a painful injury. Duck Boots are high cut, meaning they rise above your ankles. This means they do provide some support, but it’s minimal, and ideally, a hiking boot would offer more structure around the ankle. For hikers traversing rough terrain, more protection is needed, as if you miss a step in Duck Boots there isn’t much to save you from injury.
Another important thing to consider is traction. Duck boots are designed specifically to handle wet weather, and they do it very well. If you’re in wet, muddy, slushy or otherwise slippery conditions, Duck Boots are ideal, as they have plenty of traction and grip.
However, mud isn’t the only thing which hiking boots have to put up with. On the trails, the traction Bean Boots provides is considerably reduced compared to hiking boots, the difference is noticeable and unfortunately, the traction on the soles of Duck Boots just isn’t strong enough for any sort of serious hiking.
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The materials from which Duck Boots are made make them excellently waterproof. However, rubber and full-grain leather aren’t the most breathable of materials. Although they may do a good job of not letting in water from the outside, they also keep it in.
The lack of breathability here can be very uncomfortable, leading to hot and sweaty feet. This can cause blisters, and for this reason, we would not recommend them as a hiking shoe. All hikers need waterproof boots, but there are others available which won’t make you suffer.
Blisters are something which all hikers have to deal with at some point, but if your boots aren’t breathable then they’re much more likely and threaten to ruin your hike. The best hiking boots keep your feet dry while staying breathable and comfortable, so don’t make an exception here.
If you’re keen on mountaineering, then your hiking boots need to be crampon compatible, which Duck Boots are not. Crampons help with grip when scaling rocky terrain, so having a boot they work with is necessary for safety reasons.
We have no choice but to conclude that L.L. Bean’s Duck Boots are no good for hiking. Although they are comfortable and highly water-resistant, the lack of extra support and breathability means they aren’t the best hiking boot.
A boot specifically designed for hiking could offer the same level of comfort while giving you much more support on the trails. Hiking boots made from Gore-tex would provide the same level of excellent waterproofing while still maintaining breathability, so there are better options out there.

While Duck Boots may not be the best option for hiking, they are still a great overall winter boot.
What are Duck Boots good for?
Although we cannot avoid the conclusion that duck boots are no good for hiking, they’re still an excellent outdoor shoe. Bean Boots are ideal for making your way through snow and slush, so we do recommend this style as a general winter boot.
For any outdoor activity in cold weather, these shoes are ideal, as their warmth and waterproofing will keep your feet happy, while their traction is perfect for walking in the snow. Duck Boots are much closer to snow boots or rain boots than they are hiking, so for these weather conditions, we can whole-heartedly recommend these high-quality shoes.
Other branded duck boots
L.L. Bean was the original creator of the duck boot, but other brands have made their own version. Sperry offers a shoe called the Watertown Duck Boot, and its design is very similar to the original. Sperry’s version boasts a rubber lug outsole with no-slip traction, which could mean improved grip compared to L.L. Bean’s shoe. However, this is still not a hiking sole, so it’s not ideal for outdoor adventuring.
Final Verdict:
So, are Duck Boots good for hiking? The short answer; no. Although Duck Boots make an excellent winter boot, ideal for cold and wet weather, they just aren’t up to the same standard as hiking boots in other areas. The traction Bean Boots provide is optimized for wet conditions, such as snow and slush, but it’s simply not good enough for hiking in the backcountry.
The ankle support is admittedly better than trail running shoes, but more protection is needed if you do anything other than light and easy hikes. For your next hiking trip, Duck Boots aren’t the best choice, even though they’re comfy. If you’re still looking for an outdoor shoe, you might wonder, are Timberlands good for hiking? Read our article on the subject to find out if Timberlands might be the answer you’re looking for.
Bonus tip: To learn more about L.L. Bean’s original legendary boot, check out this interesting video we found below!
Backpacking Gear Reviews & Guides
Bob And Brad C2 Massage Gun Review/The Best Massage Gun for Sports Lovers

Massage guns have become popular in recent years as a way to help people relax and ease pain. They are especially popular among those who enjoy sports, as the massage guns can help to reduce muscle soreness after a workout resulting in faster recovery and improved performance.
Some other benefits associated with the use of massage guns include:
Increased blood flow– Massage guns can help to improve circulation by increasing blood flow, which helps to reduce inflammation and swelling in the muscles. This is especially important for those who are involved in sports or exercise, as increased blood flow can help to repair damaged tissue faster.
Improved flexibility– Massage guns also help to improve flexibility by loosening tight muscles and tendons. This allows the body to move more freely, resulting in improved performance during physical activity.
Reduced stress– The massage gun can also help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Massaging the muscles helps to release endorphins, which are hormones that act as natural painkillers. By releasing these endorphins, people can feel less stressed and relaxed after using a massage gun.
Relieves pain– Massage guns are great for relieving pain and discomfort, as the vibration helps to loosen tight muscles and release tension. This can help to reduce pain caused by inflammation, arthritis, or other aches and pains.
Enhances performance– Massage guns can help to improve performance when it comes to physical activities, as they help to reduce muscle fatigue and soreness. This helps people perform better in their chosen sport or activity.
Why Choose the Bob And Brad C2 Massage Gun
It’s well known that massage guns are a great way to relieve tension and soreness after a long day or workout. But with so many different massage guns on the market, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In this Bob and Brad C2 Massage Gun Review, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of this popular massage gun to help you decide if it’s the right one for you.
If you are an athlete or just someone looking to soothe sore and aching muscles, the Bob And Brad C2 Massage Gun is an ideal choice. This powerful massage gun is designed to provide deep tissue relief through its variety of adjustable speed settings and interchangeable massage heads. The ergonomic design allows for comfortable use during longer sessions, and the lightweight body makes it easy to transport and store. With its powerful motor, the C2 Massage Gun is capable of providing up to 3200 revolutions per minute. With five different intensity levels, this strong force helps to penetrate deep into muscle fibers and provides effective relief from soreness and pain.
The Bob and Brad C2 Massage Gun is designed to help athletes and active individuals recover faster after strenuous activity. It provides a deep-tissue massage that can reduce soreness, improve flexibility, and increase the range of motion in the body. This massage gun also comes with four interchangeable heads for various massaging techniques including a flat head for larger muscle groups, a round head for deeper tissue work, a U-shape for joint relief, and a conical head for smaller areas like the neck or hands. With this variety of massage heads, the C2 helps to target specific areas of discomfort and provides customized relief.
Overall, the Bob And Brad C2 Massage Gun is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and powerful massage gun that can provide effective relief from muscle soreness after exercise or long days. With its adjustable speed settings and interchangeable massage heads, it is sure to meet your needs. So if you’re an athlete or just someone looking to give their muscles some well-deserved love and attention, the Bob And Brad C2 Massage Gun is a great investment.
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